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The study of prospects for the development of energy systems, at the current level of economic development, requires the use of appropriate analytical apparatus. The complexity and size of the problems make mathematical models the only tools that reflect the functioning of real systems (with some simplicity). The ESMLab team develops energy system models. Such models are essential for forecasting, designing and analysing energy systems, and in particular for examining the impact of the proposed regulations.
The team carries out research related to the analysis, planning and management of energy systems on different territorial scales (EU,national, regional) and in different time periods (short-, mid- and long-term).
Associated professor at the Department of Energy and Fuels at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow responsible for lecturing and conducting research. Specialist in the field of energy system
modelling. He holds a degree in the field of Power Engineering of Tsinghua University in Beijing, and in the field of Energy Systems Management of Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris. Doctor of technical sciences,
specialization: energy, modelling the energy systems development. His research work is devoted to the development and application of techno-economic energy system models most often with the use of GAMS. He defended his habilitation
entitled "The application of system analysis to the research in the development of the energy sector" in 2019. He is one of main designers and developers of the TIMES-PL, MEDUSA and πESA models. Developed
tools are used for the Polish energy system analysis and forecasting to formulate energy policy recommendations. Involved in realization of many research projects. Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Fuels AGH (2012-2020), and a specialist in the field of system studies in the energy and mining sectors.
He has over 25 years of experience in the fuels and energy systems analyses, especially in construction and application of mathematical and computer models of systems using mathematical programming, system dynamics and hybrid models
combining these methods. The models developed in research projects and companies concerned mainly the development and supply of the coal market for the electricity generation and fostering clean coal technologies in Poland. In
2005-2006 he was a visiting professor at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, where he was responsible for, among other tasks: the expansion of the POLES global energy
model with carbon capture and storage module as well as with link to OURSE the global model of petroleum refining. He was also the contractor for the evaluation of global and regional analysis of the Iran oil export embargo on the
crude oil market and prices (2012, for the EC JRC IPTS). The works on upgrading and updating the OURSE model continued, in collaboration with IFP Energies Nouvelles (France). He collaborated in projects relating to electricity market
models, and on building modules of electricity generation and dispatch planning of new generation capacity for the POLES model.
Associated professor at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. He holds a master degree in the field of Technical Physic of The Faculty of Physic and Applied Computer Science of AGH. Graduate of the European management studies of the MBA type. Doctor of chemical technology of the AGH Faculty of Energy and Fuels and doctor of University of Paris Est in the field of engineering and science in the environment. Scholarship holder of the French government and ENPC Ecole des Ponts. Head of postgraduate studies in energy and air protection. In 2018 – 2019 expert of the Polish Electricity Association in the field of air quality and energy efficiency.
Scientific interests include issues of air quality, low stack-emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, energy systems, modelling of pollution transport, heavy metals, mercury, local energy and environment management. He was involved in the development of the Platform for Integrated Energy Systems Analysis (PIESA). Scientific and didactic specialist at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. He is graduated from AGH University of Science and technology in Krakow (MSc of fuels
and energy economy). Specialist in the field of energy and integrated modeling of the development of fuel and energy systems. In his work is mainly focused on teaching and conducting research, but currently he is also involved in his
own doctoral dissertation, where the aspect of functioning of the Polish power system under different technical, environmental and political constraints is analyzed. For the purpose of the PhD thesis he has developed the unit
commitment (UC) and economic dispatch (ED) model of the Polish power system in GAMS. He has experience in modelling energy system using the TIMES model generator with VEDA-FE and VEDA-BE data management systems. He participated in the
development and building the TIMES-PL model and the Platform for an Integrated Energy System Analysis (PIESA). He has developed the Oracle database where information on Polish electricity generation units is stored. PhD student at the AGH Doctoral School, interested in holistic approach to energy system modelling. Holds a master's degree in chemical technology. During his studies at AGH Faculty of Energy and Fuels he was active
in Solaris student research circle and was an apprentice in Centre for Applied Energy Systems Analysis and Research. He was developing TIMES-Heat-EU model in the REFLEX project. Currently developing TIMES-PL model. As an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Energy and Fuels at AGH University of Krakow. He was awarded the prestigious Ph.D. Scholarship (Cycle XXXI) by the Italian Ministry of Education, enabling him to obtain his Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods for Economic Policy at the Department of Economics and Law, the University of Macerata, Italy (November 2015-September 2019). His doctoral dissertation was based on quantitative techniques like Applied Econometrics, Multi-Sectoral Input-Output Modelling, Financial Social Accounting Matrix, and Computable General Equilibrium Modelling.
His research interest is in applied macroeconomics, energy modeling, green economic growth, circular economy, and climate change and sustainability, using various quantitative methods such as Applied Econometrics (AE), Machine learning, and deep learning... Senior specialist in the AGH Energy Center. A graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Electronics at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Also completed a number of post-graduate studies, including, among others, nuclear power in modern power engineering industry at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, European Union legislation at the Jagiellonian University and management at the Warsaw School of Economics. In 2014 he was awarded a Ph.D. in technical science. He began his career in the energy sector at the Jaworzno III Power Plant, where, among others, he held various positions in production (1985-1996) and subsequently became deputy director for strategy and management (1996-2001). In 2001-2008 Mr. Tokarski worked at Południowy Koncern Energetyczny as director for management and strategy. In 2008-2010 Mr. Tokarski was Vice President of the Management Board – director for strategy and development of TAURON Polska Energia, the second large polish utility. In 2010-2014 he was the President of the Management Board (CEO) of TAURON Wytwarzanie (generation). After receiving his PhD degree in Fluid Mechanics and Thermophysics, he joined the R&D division of EDF in 1981. His works were devoted i.a. to the comprehensive analysis of design and operation of both Pulverized Fuel (PF) and Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) coal boilers. In 1999, he joined the SEPTEN Management Board as the manager for all EDF fossil fuel power plant projects. In 2001 he joined ECK-SA, Poland where he put in place and monitored the yearly objective contracts of the 5 Directions of the company (Production, Maintenance, Commercial, Financial and HR). He became the Technical Director of EDF-Polska and prepared the EDF-Polska development strategy. Following the visit of the French president to South Africa beginning of 2008 he was seconded by EDF to Eskom Generation as Senior Consultant to provide expertise and assistance to help overcoming the electricity crisis that the RSA is experiencing. On behalf of Eskom’s corporate Generation Business Engineering (GBE), he proposed an organization to investigate and diagnose the boiler drawbacks met by the power station from design, operation and maintenance points of view. In September 2012, he became the EDF Senior Manager of EPPEI and also joined the University of Cape Town where he developed the Eskom Energy Efficiency specialisation centre and is as well coordinating the whole research and teaching program of EPPEI. Our team
dr hab. inż. Artur Wyrwa, prof. AGH - Team Coordinator
Email: awyrwa@agh.edu.pl
Phone +48 12 617 4174
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prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Suwała - Team Deputy Coordinator
Email: suwalaw@agh.edu.pl
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dr inż. Janusz Zyśk
Email: jazysk@agh.edu.pl
Phone +48 12 617 4174
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dr inż. Marcin Pluta
Email: mpluta@agh.edu.pl
Phone +48 12 617 4174
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mgr inż. Maciej Raczyński
Email: makracz@agh.edu.pl
Phone +48 12 617 4174
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dr Atif Khan
Email: khan@agh.edu.pl
Phone +48 12 617 4174
Associated experts
dr hab. inż. Stanisław Tokarski
Email: stokarski@agh.edu.pl
Phone +48 12 617 5513
list of publications
prof. dr hab. inż. Louis Jestin
Email: louis.jestin@uct.ac.za